The NFHR Annual Membership meeting will be held on April 2, 2016 at 9am central time at the Milford Hills Hunt Club, W5670 French Road, Johnson Creek, Wisconsin, 53038. All members are welcome to attend or join by ZOOM meeting.
ZOOM meeting is an electronic meeting application that we will be trying this year so that more members may participate. You may join the meeting via computer, tablet or phone. You will need to send Nancy Newport an email address that you can access from the device you will be using. Please send to with ZOOM meeting in the subject line.
Approximately a half hour before the 9am meeting Nancy will email you an "invitation" to join the meeting. You must follow the instructions in the email. You will be instructed to download the ZOOM meeting application and join the meeting with audio and/or video. You can download the application beforehand as shown in the YouTube video link below.
We have tested this process and it seems to work well, but is a little complicated when you first join a meeting. There are several choices you have to make. If you need more information here is a link to the YouTube video that walks you through the process:
Or you may Google "how to join a zoom meeting."